Getting Sexual In a Long Distance Relationship
How do you stay intimate with your partner if they are half way across the world?
Listen to Audio Porn Together
Audio porn has really taken off in recent years. It basically consists of erotic stories read aloud to listeners. It can cover a range of categories including romantic sex, dirty talk between two people, BDSM, and more.
A way to connect with your partner virtually may be to listen to an audio sex story together through apps like Dipsea and Quinn. Although you're not together in person, you're absorbed in the same story and intimate imagery.
Send Nudes
Sending a nude to your parter when they least expect it can be nice surprise. You could even try teasing them through a one-time picture on Snapchat or Instagram, or you can send it through a message to let them keep it for longer.
Netflix Party
Why not watch a film with sensual scenes together?
You can do this with Netflix party, now also known as Teleparty. Their extension allows you to watch a film with someone else online. It synchronizes video playback and adds group chat to Netflix, Disney, Amazon Prime, and more.
Phone Sex
The old classic. Having phone sex with your partner can improve your emotional intimacy to each other. You could even mix it up and do a FaceTime with each other. Think - stripping into lingerie, performing a strip tease, or doing mutual masturbation.
Your Own Erotica
We're all for an old-fashioned handwritten letter, especially when it's erotic. Writing to your partner when in a long distance relationship allows you to share your fantasies in detail. It doesn't have to be one way, either. You can go back-and-forth with your partner to build up the scene which you can eventually play out in person.
Send Them a Gift
You can get physical by ordering them a surprise gift online to deliver to them, like a lingerie set or a toy that they can play with on FaceTime to you.
So, what was your favourite of the six ways to keep your sex life exciting in a long distance relationship? Let us know below in the comments.